A Taps For Veterans Event
Anzac Day is a national day of remembrance in Australia and New Zealand that commemorates all Australians and New Zealanders who served and died in all wars, conflicts, and peacekeeping operations and the contribution and suffering of all those who have served. Observed on April 25th each year, Anzac Day was originally devised to honor the members of the Australian and New Zealand Army Corps (ANZAC) who served in the Gallipoli Campaign, their first engagement in the First World War.
Because of the current health crisis. Australian and New Zealand have been forced to cancel their annual commemorations which include ceremonies, and parades.
Both counties use the bugle call Last Post to honor their fallen.
I thought it would be a great idea to honor those nations and contribute to our long standing friendship with both nations by sounding Last Post on April 25th at 12 noon (local). You can sound the call from your home, on your front lawn. I would advise against asking folks to gather in any type of group. Maybe you can tell your neighbors to open their windows.
One thing for sure is that you can make a video and post it online.
I will provide music and I think it would be wonderful to learn this wonderful call.
The tradition is to sound Last Post and then observe a minute of silence. This is followed by the sounding of the Reveille (NOT our Reveille) or Rouse.
I would like to perform this Saturday April 25th at 12 NOON (your local time). Post a video of your performance on our FaceBook Page
Once again, due to orders in many states against any types of gathering, I suggest you sound the call from your front porch or driveway.

Here is an article about The Last Post
How to get involved:
- Download the music for the Last Post and Rouse
- Begin practicing. There are plenty of reference clips available to view on the internet.
- Notify your neighbors of your involvement with a simple letterbox drop (sample letter provided below)
- Be ready and on your driveway just before 12 NOON (LOCAL) on Saturday April 25th
- Play the Last Post, observe a minute’s silence, then play Rouse (or Reveille)
You should let your neighbors know about the tribute.
Dear Neighbor,
As you would be aware, many nations are in a mandated isolation due to COVID-19.
On April 25 Australia and New Zealand have ceremonies marking Anzac Day, a national day of remembrance for those who gave their lives during WWI. Because of the mandated isolation they are unable to gather together at their usual Anzac Day ceremonies and parades. Here in the United States we would like to honor those nations by sounding their call of remembrance- the Last Post and observe a minute’s silence followed by the bugle call Rouse. This will happen on Saturday 25 April at 12:00 NOON (LOCAL)
Both Australia and New Zealand have been strong allies and supported the United States in World War II and Vietnam. We should show our support of those nations and show that we are united despite isolation.
This short event is sponsored by Taps For Veterans.
We are encouraging residents to stand in their driveways at this time to show their support. You are urged NOT to gather in any one place.
I really hope you can join us and take a moment to reflect.
We may be isolated, but we can still be united on Anzac Day. Lest we forget.
#IsolatedButUnited #ANZAC2020 #TapsForVeterans #TapsBugler #LastPost