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Taps Bugler: Jari Villanueva

The bugle that sounded the end of the WWI

The bugle that sounded the end of the First World War By Kelly Whitson, November 8, 2013 Kelly Whitson, who works with our Division of…

21 Steps at the Tomb of the Unknown Soldier

As we celebrate 2021, we connect what 21 means at the Tomb of the Unknown Soldier. 21 symbolizes the highest military honor-theĀ 21-gun salute. During the…

God of Our Fathers

“God of Our Fathers” is a 19th-century American hymn, written in 1876 for the 100th anniversary of the United States Declaration of Independence celebration in…

Bugle Megaphones

If you ever watched “From Here To Eternity” one of the poignant scenes is were the bugler sounds Taps on the parade ground at Schofield…

Frederick Fennell and Civil War Music

LISTEN!! To generations of band students that word was engrained into their minds. My first introduction to Frederick Fennell was that admonition printed on the…


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