A good news story about Taps and a WIN for the true story. Below is a photo is the “Story of Taps” that was on…
Taps Bugler: Jari Villanueva
This special call for an organization was useful in many ways. It had no small effect in arousing and maintaining an esprit de corps in this brigade, second to none in the army. It was known by all troops of the Army of the Potomac, and the brigade which marched to its music was always respected and welcomed by its comrades in arms as an organization to be trusted, and sure to give a good account of itself under all circumstances.
Video on the history of Taps Jari Villanueva-Taps Bugler LOOKING FOR A LIVE BUGLER?CLICK HEREorContactwww.TapsFor Veterans.org We have a Patreon Page set up for your…
You hear this iconic trumpet (bugle) call at the racetrack. It’s a quick call that’s sounded as the horses are about to led to the…