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Taps Bugler: Jari Villanueva

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Taps at Gettysburg

“There is no record that Taps was played at the dedication of this cemetery on the 19th of November, 1863. Taps itself was only a…

The Buglers of Menin Gate

Evening photo of Menin Gate, site of Last Post Ceremony, Ypres, Belgium.  By permission of the Last Post Association The Buglers of Menin GateBy P.…

Trumpet Bugle Day

Happy Bugle/Trumpet Day! July 1st July 1 is a holy day set aside for blowing trumpets. Yep– It’s in the Bible “On the first day…

On The Mall March

HAPPY ANNIVERSARY TO “ON THE MALL” by Edwin Franko Goldman. June 25, 1923 Edwin Franko Goldman (1878-1956) was an American composer and conductor. One of…


The 4th Annual sounding of Taps during the National Moment of Remembrance on Memorial Day at 3 p.m. TAPS ACROSS AMERICA 2023 Registration is open…

Preakness 2023 Buglers

BUGLERS FOR THE BLACK-EYED SUSAN STAKES AND THE 148TH PREAKNESS May 2023Jari Villanueva and Adrienne Doctor will return to sound the iconic bugle Call To…


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