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Taps Bugler: Jari Villanueva

The Story of the Air Force Song

by Colonel Murray Green, USAF, Retired On July 15, 1939, the U.S. Army Air Corps acquired performance rights to a stirring song that, just two…

Louis Benz (Bentz)-West Point Bugler

Louis Benz (Bentz) was a US Army Musician and Chief Bugler of the US Military Academy for 40 years, 1834-1874. He died in his early…

Bugles on D-Day

D-Day Bugles Were bugles used during the D-Day invasion? It’s a question I get every so often. There is a photo (above) of a US…

WWII Paratrooper with bugle on D-Day

A great image of a Paratrooper of the 506th Parachute Regiment. Can you see the bugle? This is an Army Signal Corps photo taken on…

D-Day 75 TAPS

Register to perform at On June 6, 1944 Americans awoke to the news that landings had taken place in France. More than 150,000 Allied troops…

D-Day Trumpet returns to Normandy Beaches

By Kenny Bierschenk Carried onto Omaha Beach in 1944 Taps will be sounded on the 75th D-Day Anniversary on this trumpet This trumpet laid beneath…

Memorial Day At Arlington

The Flying Tigers Ceremony at Arlington My Memorial Day Story I was on active duty with the USAF Band from 1985-2008 as a trumpeter and…

What Taps Means To Me

100 Nights of Taps Gettysburg 2019 starts Monday May 27 and continues every evening in the National Cemetery in Gettysburg with a live sounding of…


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