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Taps Bugler: Jari Villanueva

The Titanic Musicians

From Walter Lord’s Book, “The Night Lives On” Whatever (music) they played (that night), they achieved immortality.  The bravery of these men, trying to bring…

Pat Walker, Bugler at Baltimore Orioles home games

Bugles are associated with baseball. It’s a rare game where you don’t hear the cavalry charge being sounded. Or the six note call-da-da-da-daaa-da-daaa charge call.…

Welcome to Taps Bugler

MEMORIAL DAY 2019To those who have subscribed to our blog we say thank you so much for taking a few minutes to read about subjects…

Bugle Calls Recorded on Cylinder

BUGLE CALLS ON CYLINDERS Rough Riders Bugler Emil Cassi Rough Riders Bugler 3438 Y E. Berliner’s Gramophone. Emil Cassi, bugler. Re-enactment of bugle calls sounded…


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