By Kenny Bierschenk Carried onto Omaha Beach in 1944 Taps will be sounded on the 75th D-Day Anniversary on this trumpet This trumpet laid beneath…
Posts published in “Buglers Through History”
Memorial Day At Arlington
The Flying Tigers Ceremony at Arlington My Memorial Day Story I was on active duty with the USAF Band from 1985-2008 as a trumpeter and…
What Taps Means To Me
100 Nights of Taps Gettysburg 2019 starts Monday May 27 and continues every evening in the National Cemetery in Gettysburg with a live sounding of…
Pat Walker, Bugler at Baltimore Orioles home games
Bugles are associated with baseball. It’s a rare game where you don’t hear the cavalry charge being sounded. Or the six note call-da-da-da-daaa-da-daaa charge call.…
Bugle Calls Recorded on Cylinder
BUGLE CALLS ON CYLINDERS Rough Riders Bugler Emil Cassi Rough Riders Bugler 3438 Y E. Berliner’s Gramophone. Emil Cassi, bugler. Re-enactment of bugle calls sounded…
An Introductory History of the Bugle From its Early Origins to the Present Day
LOOKING FOR A LIVE BUGLER?CLICK HEREorContactwww.TapsFor We have a Patreon Page for your support of what TAPS BUGLER does An Introductory History of the…
Last Post at the Menin Gate
From THE GREAT WAR The Menin Gate Memorial to the Missing is a war memorial in Ypres, Belgium, dedicated to the British and Commonwealth soldiers who were killed in the Ypres Salient of World War I and whose…
William Carson Medal of Honor Bugler
William J. Carson was one of about twenty Civil War Musicians to receive the Medal of Honor. He is the only musician ever to receive…