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Posts published in “General Interest”

Happy Birthday John Philip Sousa

John Philip Sousa (November 6, 1854-March 6, 1932)   NPR story on Sousa’s 150th Birthday November 6, is the birthday of one of my heroes,…

Help for Veterans with Substance Abuse

Help for Veterans with Substance AbuseThis is an issue TapsBugler is concerned with. Along with death by suicide, this is a problem in our military…

Key for Taps

A question has come up as to what the original key was for Taps. Whether or not it was played on a G Bugle, or…

Bugler at Arlington National Cemetery

Master Sgt. Jari Villanueva has spent his entire career playing bugle in the Air Force Ceremonial Brass. In this un-narrated story, he describes his work,…

A Trip to Chanolles France for Taps

In August 2009, I was contacted with regard to a memorial service/plaque dedication ceremony to be held in Chanolles France. I was to be sent…

John Philip Sousa: A Bibliography

John Philip Sousa: A Bibliography download this bibliography BY CLICKING HERE Berger, Kenneth. The March King and His Band: The Story of John Philip Sousa.…

History of Bands in World War 1 Part 1

THE YANKS ARE COMING US ARMY BANDS OF WORLD WAR I (1917-1919) It was called “The Great War” in the time before we started capitalizing…

Bugles on D-Day

D-Day Bugles Were bugles used during the D-Day invasion? It’s a question I get every so often. There is a photo (above) of a US…


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