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Posts published in “General Interest”

D-Day Trumpet returns to Normandy Beaches

By Kenny Bierschenk Carried onto Omaha Beach in 1944 Taps will be sounded on the 75th D-Day Anniversary on this trumpet This trumpet laid beneath…

Memorial Day At Arlington

The Flying Tigers Ceremony at Arlington My Memorial Day Story I was on active duty with the USAF Band from 1985-2008 as a trumpeter and…

What Taps Means To Me

100 Nights of Taps Gettysburg 2019 starts Monday May 27 and continues every evening in the National Cemetery in Gettysburg with a live sounding of…

The Titanic Musicians

From Walter Lord’s Book, “The Night Lives On” Whatever (music) they played (that night), they achieved immortality.  The bravery of these men, trying to bring…

Bugle Calls Recorded on Cylinder

BUGLE CALLS ON CYLINDERS Rough Riders Bugler Emil Cassi Rough Riders Bugler 3438 Y E. Berliner’s Gramophone. Emil Cassi, bugler. Re-enactment of bugle calls sounded…

Lincoln Departs for Washington

On this day in 1861, President-elect Abraham Lincoln left his home in Springfield, Ill., boarded a two-car private train and embarked on his journey to Washington, D.C.


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