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Posts published in “History of the Bugle”

Buglers of Arlington National Cemetery

Six Prominent Buglers of Arlington National Cemetery Arlington Mansion and 200 acres of ground immediately surrounding it were officially designated as a military cemetery June…

Key for Taps

A question has come up as to what the original key was for Taps. Whether or not it was played on a G Bugle, or…

What Taps Means To Me

100 Nights of Taps Gettysburg 2019 starts Monday May 27 and continues every evening in the National Cemetery in Gettysburg with a live sounding of…

Pat Walker, Bugler at Baltimore Orioles home games

Bugles are associated with baseball. It’s a rare game where you don’t hear the cavalry charge being sounded. Or the six note call-da-da-da-daaa-da-daaa charge call.…

Bugle Calls Recorded on Cylinder

BUGLE CALLS ON CYLINDERS Rough Riders Bugler Emil Cassi Rough Riders Bugler 3438 Y E. Berliner’s Gramophone. Emil Cassi, bugler. Re-enactment of bugle calls sounded…

Articles and Manuals

Articles about Taps and Bugle History The following are articles with great information on the history of Taps, bugles, trumpets and  bugling. These have been…


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