Larry Dupree, Bugler and friend
By Jari Villanueva, TapsBugler
On November 1, 2019 the world lost another Vietnam Veteran and the bugling world lost a performer and supporter-Larry DuPree of Cincinnati, Ohio. Larry was the beloved husband of Jean DuPree, loving father of April (David) Tapscott, proud grandfather of Ashely Mabrey, Hunter Mathson, and Allie Tapscott, cherished brother of Nancy Barnett and devoted son of the late William and Jane DuPree. Larry passed away at the age of 73.
Larry DuPree was born on August 20, 1946 and raised in Western Kentucky. His dad was a WWII Army veteran with service in the Pacific Theater. Larry was retired, but active in promoting “live” Taps for Veteran’s Funeral Honors. He served in the U.S. Air Force as as a MedEvac technician with the 903rd Aeromedical Evacuation Squadron, earning the Air Medal with 2 Oak Leaf Clusters during a tour in Vietnam. While in Vietnam, he flew med evac missions for the Army and Marines and some of the duty locations included Khe Sanh, Dak To and Dong Ha. He returned to the U.S.after the Tet Offensive.
After his service with the U.S. Air Force, he earned a business management degree at the University of Cincinnati in 1977 and rose through management positions with several Fortune 500 companies. Larry was selected and graduated from NEC’s Overseas Management Course as the first one ever selected from his North American Division. He retired from his business career as President of a hydraulic tool company manufacturing a line of tools for the nation’s railroads.
Not content to set idle after retirement, he took a part-time job with a national hardware company, and organized the implementation of a new product line in one of 6 concept stores. The concept was successful and launched nationally.
After retirement Larry continued his love of the trumpet by picking up a bugle to sound Taps at funerals on Ohio. He became very active in military funeral honors.
In August 2012 he was featured in a news story marking is 1,000th funeral
He was also recognized by the Ohio House of Representatives in 2011 “Larry DuPree, a bugler and guest of Representative Pillich-28th district, performed “Taps” in honor of the 150th anniversary of the composition of Taps.”
Larry was involved with not only sounding Taps for veterans in Ohio but involved with bugle organizations like TAPS FOR VETERANS and TAPS150 which commemorated the 150th anniversary of Taps. He was on the board of directors for TAPS150 and very helpful in the planning and execution of the events surrounding the anniversary programs. He also participated in TAPS150 ceremonies at Berkeley Plantation, where Taps was born, and at Arlington National Cemetery. Larry sounded Taps in Arlington at the grave of USAF Honor Guardsman TSgt Rory Crissman during the ceremonies making the 150th anniversary.
Steve Bow, a fellow Ohio bugler, met Larry in 2013. He said, “Thanks to Larry I learned all the proper protocols for Buglers doing Taps for military honors. Larry and I became good friends after that and would talk and meet for lunch frequently throughout the year. Larry would try to have him and I do at least one echo Taps mission during the year. Steve Jessie would get us together at least once a year for his “Bugler Gathering” at a local American Legion or VFW post… He was a good man and a good friend. I’m going to miss our once a year echo Taps mission and also our casual get togethers.”
Ron Glazer, retired Air Force Chief Master Sergeant spoke of his time with Larry. “He was so approachable that you always felt as if you were a family member when around him. If Larry didn’t make you laugh during a visit with you then you missed out. He was a regular comic, full of life and laughter. He enjoyed people and never departed anywhere without creating a new friend.”
Larry also performed on the CD “Day Is Done” that was produced for the anniversary. He also started a bugle class in Ohio to train those interested in learning about the bugle and the proper protocol for rending honors at funerals. The course covered the story of Taps, embouchure development, breathing exercises and mental tips to enhance performance.
All in all, Larry Dupree epitomized what all buglers strive to be. A consummate professional who took his bugling duties with the utmost seriousness, he was the true example of the Air Force core values-Integrity First, Service Before Self, Excellence in all we do. We are honored that Larry DuPree was part of the Taps150 programs and events, Taps For Veterans, Taps Bugler and the Ohio funeral Honors program. His contributions were immeasurable and his legacy of service to our country and the call of Taps will be everlasting.
Day is done, Gone the sun,
From the lake, From the hill, From the sky.
All is well, Safely rest, God is nigh.
Thanks and praise, For our days,
Neath the sun, Neath the stars, Neath the sky,
As we go, This we know, God is nigh.
Fades the light; And afar
Goeth day, And the stars Shineth bright,
Fare thee well; Day has gone, Night is on.
Go to sleep, Peaceful sleep,
May the Soldier or Sailor, God keep.
On the land or the deep, Safe in sleep.
Love, good night, Must thou go,
When the day, And the night Need thee so?
All is well. Speedeth all To their rest
Wednesday November 7, 2019
Visitation 10-Noon
Service at Noon with Military Honors
Tuft Schildmeyer Funeral Home
129 N. Riverside Dr. Loveland Ohio 45140
In lieu of flowers, donations in memory of Larry may be directed to the Gary Sinise Foundation, PO Box 368, Woodland Hills, CA 91365.
Author Unknown
When my last hitch is ended,
And this weary, time-worn clay
Is shrouded with Old Glory
And forever laid away,
Will those who soldiered with me,
For a moment cease their glee
To bow their heads in sadness
When Taps is blown for me?
Will they march behind me then,
And with sad and silent tread
Take me to my moss-grown bunk,
In the barracks of the dead?
Or shall I pass unnoticed
To my earth tent o’er the lea,
With but the moans of echoes,
When Taps is blown for me?
Many martial souls have fled,
Many better souls than I,
To face the great court martial,
In headquarters up on high,
Yet their passing has but been
As the roaring of the sea.
Yet somehow I hope for more,
When Taps is blown for me.
I picture in my dreaming
Dear Old Glory floating high
And the hush of waiting men,
‘Neath a lovely summer sky
And the roaring of the volleys,
And the echoes from each tree
Then the bowing of each head,
When Taps is blown for me.
© 2019 TapsBugler
Thank-you Larry Wiseman.
Larry and I were fellow buglers for many years, and he was a true friend to my wife Susan and I. His love and encouragement to us will never be forgotten. This world just lost one of the best! Thank You Larry for your service, and all that you have done to honor and remember great Americans like yourself!
Thank you
We miss him much
Thank you for a beautiful tribute to my dear brother. I miss him so.