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Posts tagged as “bugler”

When the Moment Came, He Was Ready!

The Story of Firefighter Julius Pontecorvo By Douglas HedwigOriginally published in The New York Brass Conference, 2002 Journal During the weeks and months which have…

The Titanic Bugler

THE TITANIC BUGLER Percy William Fletcher in his White Star uniform with his horn,a British Duty Bugle pitched in B Flat. On board the RMS…

The Miles Standish Wooden Bugle

The Miles Standish Wooden Bugle When Miles Standish came to Plymouth in the Mayflower, he brought with him a queer wooden bugle that had been…

Hitting the High Notes

Story of Unknown Bugler. By Eric Lewis Hitting the High Notes…For Those that say I have one of the worst Jobs. My preparation is always…

“Buglin’ Sam” DeKemel

Before there was a “Sam The Bugler” (the racetrack trumpeter in New York) there was “Buglin’ Sam” DeKemel. Before there was a “Sam The Bugler”…

Calvin Titus

Calvin Pearl Titus September 22, 1879 -May 27, 1966 On August 14, 1900  U.S. Army Corporal and Trumpeter Calvin P Titus performed a daring exploit…

The Evolution of Taps

THE EVOLUTION OF TAPS The twenty-four notes we know as Taps has been in use in the US military since its origin in 1862. It…


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