The Society of the Honor Guard Tomb of the Unknown Soldier (SHGTUS) Centennial Committee is proud to announce the continuation of one of the key projects of the Centennial (TUS100) as we approach the 100th Anniversary of the burial of an Unknown American Soldier who fought and died in World War I, and is buried in the Tomb of the Unknown Soldier (TUS) in Arlington National Cemetery, in 2021. We are just over a year away!
Taps For Veterans is proud to be part of this unique National Salute.
The National Salute, re-instituted in 2015, is a means to show our deep respect for our Unknown Soldiers buried in the plaza of the Memorial Amphitheater in Arlington National Cemetery and all veterans. Taps For Veterans asking you to participate in the National Salute ceremony on the 11th Hour, of the 11th Day, of the 11th Month.
This salute will mark the beginning of special programs and commemorations of the Tomb of The Unknown Soldier leading up the 100th anniversary on November 11, 2021. Taps For Veterans is working on a nationwide commemoration of the three buglers who sounded Taps at the ceremonies for the Unknowns-Frank Witchey, George Meyers and Patrick Mastroleo.

The commemoration will take place on Saturday November 6, 2021. Details TBA.
For those who register for the National salute on November 11 you will have a chance to receive a Tomb of the Unknown Soldier Challenge Coin. Recipients will be picked from registered buglers

Taps – The sounding of Taps across the nation and around the free world for one minute. This easily recognized emotive and powerful twenty-four notes bugle call is the international melody for “lights out” — final resting for deceased soldiers. This synchronized playing of Taps around the free world by individuals and organizations is a solemn calling for the defense of free peoples worldwide.
Taps should be sounded at 1100 ( Local) on Wednesday November 11, 2020. It can be performed as part of a ceremony (below), or because of the COVID-19 restrictions it can be performed on your front lawn or at a site of your choosing-preferably a WWI monument.
Taps can also be part of The America People’s National Salute which consists of three parts:
OPENING: 21 Count Honors (five second interval between counts) — by all available means — gun salute (land and sea), church bells, rifle salute, police and fire dept. sirens, etc. This calling to “Attention” of the freedom loving people of the World for purposes of rendering the highest honors to those American’s who have paid the ultimate price for freedom.
RECOGNITION: Great Silence – for two minutes, the first minute for those who have already sacrificed and the second minute for those who will sacrifice in the future with their lives for the American way of life. ENDING: Taps – The sounding of Taps Across America.
You can sign up at
Let us know where you are sounding Taps on November 11, 2020 for The National Salute.
One thing to remember.
About the appropriateness of sounding Taps on Veterans Day,
This is not really a Veterans Day ceremony. This is in honor of the the Unknown Soldier. November 11th was originally Armistice Day which ended WWI on that date in 1918. Three years later an Unknown Soldier from the Great War was buried with full military honors at Arlington National Cemetery.
The National Salute honors the Unknown and will bring attention to the 100th anniversary. And of course on this day we honor ALL veterans who have worn the uniform. Thanks.