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WWI Living History at the National World War One Memorial

A Living History Weekend will be held at the National World War One Memorial on Saturday and Sunday September 14-15, 2024

The Memorial is located on Pennsylvania Ave between 14th and 15th Streets NW in Washington DC-two blocks from the White House.

The Living History Weekend follows the First Illumination ceremony to dedicate the new sculpture “A Soldier’s Journey” by Sabin Howard at the memorial on Friday September 13 at 7:15 pm
Information can be found at

The event is free and open to the public



9:00AM- 5:00PM           Displays by WWI Re-enactors, Hello Girls, National Mobile WWI Museum, WWI Vehicles, displays

9:30AM             The Hello Girls-America’s First Women SoldiersKatelyn O’Brien

10:00AM          Concert by Tom Callinan Connecticut’s 1st State Troubadour 

10:30AM          The Harlem Hellfighters-Marvin-Alonzo Geer & Ari Lopez Wei 

11:00AM          Concert by the AEF Headquarters Band Brass Quintet

11:45AM          Menin Gate Buglers “Last Post”    

12:00PM           The U.S. Marine Corps 1917-1919-Marine Corps Historical Company  

12:30PM           Concert by Tom Callinan-Connecticut’s 1st State Troubadour

1:00PM            “General John Blackjack Pershing” Presentation by Chas Rittenhouse

1:30PM            American Doughboy kit and equipment 1917-1919, gear and equipment demoEast Coast Doughboys     

2:00PM             One Man Play “A Soldier Journey Home” Douglas Taurel

3:00PM            Edmund D. Potter, PhD,  The Citizen Soldiers Education Foundation

3:25PM            American Gold Star Mothers Wreath Ceremony-Patti Elliot, National President

3:30PM            Concert by the AEF Headquarters Band

4:45PM            TBA Wreath Ceremony

5:00PM            The Last Post and Daily Taps


9:00AM- 5:00PM           Displays by WWI Re-enactors, Hello Girls, National Mobile WWI Museum, WWI Vehicles, displays

9:00AM             TBA

9:30AM             Marie Edmee LeRoux, The  story of a Hello Girl-Catherine Bourgin, granddaughter

10:00AM          The U.S. Navy in WWI/ Yeoman (F) Women join the Navy U.S.S. Olympia Living History Crew Navy History Heritage Command Laura Adie

10:30AM          Wallace’s Circus, the 332nd Infantry Regiment in Italy Edward Wittkofski, U.S. Army

11:00AM          1917, America enters the War,  Kevin C. Fitzpatrick, author of “WWI New York: A Guide to the City’s Enduring Ties to the Great War”

11:30AM          Trucking, transportation, teaching 2 million men to drive-John Torkos, Hackettstown, NJ,  Mobility Executive, Great War Association Past President.

12:00PM           Old Guard Fife and Drum Corps, 3rd US Infantry

12:15PM           Concert by the Community Bands of Westmoreland County

1:15PM             Presentation by The Menin Gate Buglers

1:30PM            American Doughboy kit and equipment 1917-1919, gear and equipment demoEast Coast Doughboys

2:00PM        “General John Blackjack Pershing” Presentation by Chas Rittenhouse  

3:00PM         The Yanks Are Coming” Band music of WWI (1917-1919)-Jari Villanueva

3:30PM          TBA       

4:00PM          Concert by the AEF Headquarters Band Brass Quintet   

4:45PM              New Zealand Embassy Wreath Laying

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5:00PM            The Last Post, Rouse and Daily Taps 


The Doughboy Foundation

Visit Flanders

National Mobile WWI Museum

Marine Corps Historical Company

Katelyn O’Brien Hello Girls-America’s First Women Soldiers

U.S.S. Olympia Living History Crew

Navy History Heritage Command

American Allies, British & French display

John Van Vliet, 2nd Battalion, Royal Sussex Regiment

Tom C. Carton, Royal Sussex Regiment

VAD nurses Sharon Van Vliet and Athena Wu

Homefront, U.S. Food Administration, Sandra Dunlap USN

Phonograph & Records, Peter Leonard, NYC

Y.M.C.A. Display, Peter Tragni, U.S. Army

Homefront, U.S. Food Administration, Sandra Dunlap USN

Phonograph & Records, Peter Leonard, NYC

Y.M.C.A. Display, Peter Tragni, U.S. Army

Plus Historical Collections:

Robert Stitham Collection, painted helmets, uniforms, certificates

John Torkos Collection of, named uniforms, maps, equipment

James Loder Commissioned War Artists Display

Raymond Pirus Display of Collar Disk, Quartermaster Corps 

Alder Fehler Medical Corps and contract surgeons

Dr. John Bradley (LtCol) WWI Doctors 

Dr. Brian Petruskie Veterinary Corps and horse history




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